Malaga in June: 10 Things to Do 2024

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Malaga in June: 10 Things to Do

Malaga in June: 10 Things to Do

As summer begins, Malaga gears up for its high season. June might bring warmer temperatures, but it’s still a fantastic time to visit. Whether you’re looking to soak in the vibrant culture, taste the local cuisine, or explore the city’s beautiful landscapes, June in Malaga offers a plethora of activities and experiences. Read on for our top picks of things to do in Malaga this June, from attending the colorful patio festivals to enjoying refreshing gazpacho and more.


1. Feast Your Eyes on the Patio in Malaga

Malaga Patio Festival

As June arrives, Malaga is adorned with vibrant patios in the Perchel and La Trinidad districts. The Malaga Patio Festival, running from late May to early June, showcases 28 beautiful patios. Visitors can enjoy flamenco performances, photography exhibitions, and traditional cuisine. This event offers a unique glimpse into the city’s culture, away from the typical tourist spots.

2. Enjoy Cold Tomato Soup

Taste of Summer: Gazpacho

June’s warm weather highlights the deliciousness of local tomatoes. Don’t miss out on trying gazpacho, a refreshing cold tomato soup available in most restaurants. Look out for exciting variations like cherry gazpacho by Dani García, beetroot gazpacho, or the ultra-cool watermelon gazpacho.

3. Discover the Sights of Malaga (Easily)

Electric Bike Tours

Rent an electric bike and explore Malaga’s stunning views with minimal effort. Perfect for June’s midday heat, an electric bike ride up to the Gibralfaro summit offers a rewarding experience with a breeze on the way down.

More information on the Electric Tour Guide

4. Visit a Local Museum

Explore MUPAM

Add MUPAM (Museo del Patrimonio Municipal) to your June itinerary in Malaga. Located at Plaza del General Torrijos, this free museum delves into the city’s history and culture with fascinating models, wax figure scenes, and intriguing exhibitions on the top floor.

5. Smell the Roses

Pedro Alonso Gardens

While the jacaranda blooms might be ending, Malaga’s roses are in full bloom in early June. Visit the Pedro Alonso Gardens next to the City Hall, where you can relax on shaded benches, enjoy views of the Alcazaba fortress, and breathe in the fragrant roses.

6. Summer Shopping

Beach Season Essentials

Prepare for the beach season with a shopping spree in Malaga. Find fashionable espadrilles at Toni Pons on Calle Nueva and chic hats at Casa Pedro Mira on Calle Especería. These local shops offer everything you need for a stylish summer.

7. Walk the City

Walking Tours

Malaga’s flat and compact layout makes it perfect for walking tours. June is ideal for exploring areas like El Palo and Pedregalejo. Enjoy a morning walk, take a swim, and then savor seafood and fish dishes for lunch.

Find out more about walking tour guides here

8. Discover the Signs of Summer in Malaga

Beach Sculptures

For something off the beaten path, search for various beach signs and sculptures around Malaga. The Malagueta sign is easy to find, but spotting El Dedo and Misericordia might require a keen eye along the coastline.

9. Actively Explore

Caminito del Rey

Start your day early and head north of Malaga to El Chorro for the Caminito del Rey hike. This thrilling walk offers breathtaking views and an unforgettable adventure. Remember to check out our dedicated guide for all the details you need.

Read the article on caminito del ray here

10. Head to the Rooftops

Rooftop Terraces

June’s long, balmy evenings are perfect for enjoying Malaga’s rooftop terraces. Check out our recommendations for the best rooftop spots where you can soak in stunning views and enjoy some relaxation.


June is an excellent month to visit Malaga, offering a mix of cultural experiences, outdoor activities, and culinary delights. Whether you’re feasting your eyes on the vibrant patios, savoring a cool gazpacho, or exploring the city’s museums and natural beauty, Malaga in June promises a memorable experience. Start planning your trip now to make the most of everything this charming city has to offer.


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