Access and Surroundings

  Access and Surroundings

When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you might wonder is how to get to Malaga. You may also want to know how to get around the city once you’ve arrived. This section answers these questions and provides information for wheelchair users. Visit the transportation section of the Malaga Guide website for all the answers and many helpful tips.

With Picasso’s birthday celebrations, the Malaga Jazz Festival, and numerous new art exhibitions, autumn is an ideal time to visit Malaga. If you’re planning a trip to Malaga this season, explore our top monthly activities and discover the delightful autumn fruits available in the markets. Still undecided? Read our list of 10 compelling reasons to book an autumn holiday in Malaga.


         Travel Smart: The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Malaga Airport


   Travel Smart in Malaga: Best Bus Routes and Tips for Tourists


    Top Activities and Festivals in Malaga in November
