Malaga Flamenco Festival 2024: Top Events and Experiences

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Malaga Flamenco Festival 2024: Top Events and Experiences

Malaga Flamenco Festival 2024: Top Events and Experiences

Malaga is one of the main centres for flamenco in Andalusia. The city celebrates a flamenco bienal every two years (next one in 2025) and an annual Flamenco Festival. The latter is mainly aimed at professionals and amateurs who wish to learn from the best, but there are also concerts and a flamenco flashmob.

Table of Contents

Bienal de Flamenco

2025 welcomes the celebration of the 9th Bienal de Flamenco in Malaga, with big names performing in the city and towns and villages in the province. The Bienal de Flamenco usually takes place in April and May.

Check the location on Google Maps

Malaga Flamenco Festival

The Malaga Flamenco Festival brings some of the best names to the city. Expect to see big talents in music – singing, guitars and clapping as well as dancers and a record-breaking flashmob. The event takes place between 24 and 30 June, and forms part of the 10th International Flamenco Seminar. For more information, read the official programme (in Spanish only).

Click here to see the Flamenco Festival

Main Malaga Flamenco Festival Events

Flamenco Concerts

The city welcomes a long list of huge flamenco talents for several free concerts during Malaga Flamenco Festival.

  • 28 June at 6pm in the Auditorio Edgar Neville in the Diputación building on the western seafront – Tacones del futuro features the competition to find the next best talents in flamenco dancing. Free entry but get there early to be sure of a seat.
  • Friday 28 June and Saturday 29 June on Calle Alcazabilla at 10pm. Some of Spain’s best singers will perform with true maestros on guitar against the floodlit backdrop of the Roman Theatre and Alcazaba Fortress. There will be 1,000 seats out for the Alcazabilla concerts as well as standing room. Get there early!

Flamenco Fashion Show

See the latest trends in flamenco outfits at what promises to be a very colourful and lively catwalk. To be confirmed.

Flamenco While You Dine

Bars and restaurants in Malaga city centre will be offering flamenco concerts (music, song and dance) while you enjoy a meal. Book dinner with a flamenco show in Malaga.

Flamenco Flashmob

Perhaps the most fun event of this year’s Malaga Flamenco Festival aims to set the world record for people dancing flamenco at the same time. This year’s theme is still pending. We’ll keep you updated on the choreography.

For a taster, here’s what happened in 2018 when over 3,900 dancers took part. Two top dancers – Antonio de Verónica and Saray Cortés – created the moves and shot the video in the lovely Carmen Thyssen Museum patio. See them attempt the world record on Calle Larios on Sunday 30 June. Time to be confirmed.

Click here to see the flash mob

Special Interest Events

The 10th International Flamenco Seminar celebrates the best of flamenco talent and aims to pass this on to amateurs and professionals in the city. Master classes in all the flamenco types take place throughout the festival. And you don’t necessarily have to sing, play or dance to take part – places for spectators are also available.

Year-Round Flamenco in Malaga

If you’re not in town for the Malaga Flamenco Festival, you can still take in some great flamenco during your stay in the city. Check out our dedicated post on where to see the best flamenco in Malaga.


The Malaga Flamenco Festival 2024 offers a rich array of events and activities for flamenco lovers. From concerts and fashion shows to dining experiences and flashmobs, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to immerse yourself in the vibrant world of flamenco in one of its main centres.


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