How to Survive Hot Weather in Malaga: Tips for Staying Cool

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How to Survive Hot Weather in Malaga: Tips for Staying Cool

How to Survive Hot Weather in Malaga: Tips for Staying Cool

When mid-June rolls around, so does the hot weather in Malaga. While the city doesn’t experience the relentless high temperatures of other Andalusian cities like Granada and Seville, it can still get quite warm and humid during the summer months. Here are some essential tips to help you keep cool while enjoying your holiday in Malaga.

Plan Your Visit Wisely

To avoid the peak of Malaga’s hot weather, consider planning your trip outside the hottest months. July and August typically see the highest temperatures, while June and September offer more moderate conditions. If your schedule is flexible, these cooler months can provide a more pleasant experience.

Refresh at the Beach

If you find yourself in Malaga during the sweltering summer, head to the beach for some relief. The city boasts two fantastic urban beaches – La Malagueta and La Misericordia – both awarded Blue Flag status in 2023 and conveniently located within walking distance from the city center.

Read more about Malaga’s beaches here

Easy Transportation to the Beach

When it’s too hot to walk, take advantage of Malaga’s public transport. Catch the No 14 bus from Alameda Principal to the lighthouse for La Malagueta beach. To reach La Misericordia, hop on the No 7 bus, and once you reach the Tabacalera (home to the Russian Museum and the Car Museum), get off at any stop and walk a short distance to the beach.

Fun Fact: The biggest summer event in Malaga is the Malaga Fair, a week-long celebration held in mid-August.

Enjoy Cool Cultural Spots

Malaga’s museums offer a respite from the heat with their air-conditioned interiors. Plan your visits according to opening hours – the Museum of Malaga opens at 9am and closes at 3pm in the summer, making it a perfect start to your day. Other art museums remain open until at least 8pm during July and August, ideal for late afternoon or evening visits.

For a cinematic experience, visit the Albeniz cinema on Calle Alcazabilla, which offers a selection of original-version films. Be prepared for strong air-conditioning – it might even feel chilly!

Click here for a guide to the Picasso Museum.

Seek Out Shady Spots

Malaga is filled with shaded areas, so there’s no need to be in the sun for too long. Take a break in one of the city’s parks.

Even shopping can be a cooler experience in Malaga. Calle Larios is covered with large awnings during the summer, making browsing more comfortable. The canopies along Muelle Uno also provide a refreshing mist.

Avoid the Hottest Part of the Day

Temperatures peak between 2 and 5 pm, so it’s wise to stay out of the sun during these hours. This coincides with Spanish lunch and siesta time, so do as the locals do – find a nice restaurant, enjoy a leisurely meal, and relax.

Take a Siesta

After lunch, head back to your accommodation for a siesta. Don’t feel guilty about taking an hour or two to rest – it’s a common practice in Malaga. This is why small shops close at lunchtime, and the streets are quiet – everyone is napping!


Surviving the hot weather in Malaga is all about planning, staying cool, and embracing local customs. Whether you’re enjoying the beach, exploring air-conditioned museums, or indulging in a long lunch followed by a siesta, there are plenty of ways to stay comfortable. With these tips, you can make the most of your time in this beautiful city, no matter how high the temperatures rise.

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