A Feast of Autumn Fruits in Malaga

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A Feast of Autumn Fruits in Malaga | Malaga Fruits Guide

A Feast of Autumn Fruits in Malaga

One of the surest signs of autumn in Malaga is the arrival of a feast of seasonal fruit in the shops. And we’re not talking apples and pears here. This selection goes beyond and includes several that look very unusual and a few you’ve probably never heard of before. Here’s our guide to autumn fruits in Malaga and how to eat them.


Known as persimmons in English, caquis originate from Japan but grow naturally in southern Spain. This bright red fruit is about the size of a golf ball and when fully ripe is bright red. The outside skin has a slightly waxy feel while the inside is fibrous and very sticky. Caquis contain lots of vitamin A and have high tannin levels. They come into season between mid-September to mid-October and are sold in Malaga in cartons of 4, 6, or 12 (€2-2.50).

How to eat them

Wait until they’re very ripe (the brighter the red, the riper the fruit) for the best taste. Gently break the fruit in half and scoop out the contents with a spoon. There may be some small stones.


This tropical fruit, known as custard apples in English, thrives in Malaga’s warm climate, particularly along the Axarquía coastline. Despite their scaly green exterior, chirimoyas are delicious with a taste that’s a cross between a banana, custard, and a vanilla smoothie. They are rich in vitamin B and C, and their season runs from mid-September to early February, peaking in mid-autumn. Sold by the kilo, chirimoyas cost between €2 and €3 per kilo.

How to eat them

Wait until they’re ripe (the green skin goes slightly brown and the fruit feels soft when pressed lightly). Slice in half and scoop out the inside with a spoon. Watch out for the black stones, especially in smaller ones.


Pomegranates, the symbol of the city of Granada, grow all over southern Spain, including Malaga. Their season is short, lasting from the end of September to the end of November. Pomegranates are a great source of vitamins A and C, and potassium. They cost between €1.50 and €3 per kilo.

How to eat them

Test for ripeness (they feel slightly soft when pressed), slit the side gently with a knife and force the fruit open. Eat the kernels one by one or cut the pomegranate in half and juice it.


Fresh and dried figs are an essential part of autumn in Malaga. The fresh fig season is short, usually lasting from August to mid-September, but dried figs can be enjoyed year-round. They are packed with fiber and calcium. Sold by the quarter kilo, dried figs cost between €1 and €3 for 250g depending on their size.

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Muscatel grapes are the stars of autumn fruit in Malaga. You can buy them fresh, dried as raisins, or pressed as Malaga Wine. The fresh muscatel grape season is short, from mid-August to the end of September. These grapes are rich in vitamins A and C, and a good source of iron. Ripe muscatel grapes are on the brown side and locals recommend buying them “as ugly as possible” for the sweetest taste. A kilo costs between €1.50 and €2.80, while Malaga raisins cost from €2.50 per quarter kilo.

Malaga raisins on sale in Atarazanas Market

Where to Buy Fresh Autumn Fruit in Malaga

The best places to buy fresh fruit in Malaga are the fresh food markets. Atarazanas Market, located on the north side of Alameda Principal, is the largest. The Mercado de la Merced, near Picasso’s birthplace, and the Mercado del Carmen, north of the main train station, are also excellent places to shop for food in Malaga.

We have a dedicated section on where to eat in Malaga. Discover our recommendations for the best places to eat in the city – all tried and tested for quality and value!


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