Top 6 Traditional Sweets in Malaga and Where to Eat Them

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Top 6 Traditional Sweets in Malaga and Where to Eat Them


Traditional Turrón sweet in Malaga, made from almonds and honey

Turrón is a traditional Malagasy sweet enjoyed during Christmas, but you can find it year-round in some shops. It’s a nougat made with almonds, honey, and sugar. In Malaga, you’ll find different varieties, such as soft or hard turrón.


Borrachuelos, traditional fried pastries from Malaga filled with sweet wine

Borrachuelos are fried pastries filled with sweet wine, honey, or pumpkin and flavored with anise. These pastries are a must-try during the Christmas season but can also be found in various bakeries throughout the year.

  • Where to eat them: Visit La Recova or La Mallorquina to taste authentic borrachuelos.
  • Average Price: €1-€3 per piece


Mantecados, soft crumbly cookies typical of Malaga made with lard

Mantecados are soft, crumbly cookies made with lard, flour, and sugar, often flavored with cinnamon, almonds, or sesame. Popular during Christmas, they’re a delicacy worth trying year-round in Malaga.

  • Where to eat them: Head to Confitería Tejeros for some of the best mantecados in the city.
  • Average Price: €0.50-€2 per cookie

Roscos de Vino

Roscos de Vino, a wine-flavored pastry from Malaga covered in powdered sugar

Roscos de Vino are small, ring-shaped pastries flavored with Málaga wine and covered in powdered sugar. These pastries offer a distinct local flavor that pairs perfectly with coffee or tea.

  • Where to eat them: Try them at Confitería Aparicio or La Tetería del Hammam.
  • Average Price: €1-€3 per piece

Torta Loca

Torta Loca, a colorful sponge cake topped with orange icing, unique to Malaga

Torta Loca is a colorful sponge cake topped with orange icing and a layer of custard. This bright and delightful treat is unique to Malaga, making it a must-try for visitors.


Bienmesabe, a creamy dessert made from almonds, eggs, and sugar from Malaga

Bienmesabe is a classic Malagueño dessert made from almonds, eggs, sugar, and cinnamon. It has a rich, creamy texture and is often served with a drizzle of honey or paired with ice cream.

These 6 recommended sweets to try in Malaga offer a delicious way to experience the region’s traditional flavors. Whether you prefer something crunchy, creamy, or fried, there’s a dessert in Malaga that’s sure to satisfy your sweet tooth!

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